Not too long ago I did a presentation/book signing at the Aurora Art and Design Center in Aurora, New York, along with my dear friend, Dr. Peter Breggin. Shortly thereafter, a customer of the Center picked my book up off the shelf, read it, and then sent this lovely note to Jacci Farlow, the owner: From: “K. Ann Johnson”
Date: December 22, 2010 5:22:15 AM EST
To: “Jacqueline Farlow”
Subject: Finding Emmaus
Hi Jacci,
Finished the book a couple of days ago. I am assuming this author is a friend of yours. I hope you will let her know that I loved it. I thought it was a well thought out approach addressing interests and concerns relating to the paranormal and paranormal psychology. The characters draw you in and the whole work flows nicely (a very easy read) - some you like, others you think you can love, and of course, those that you just can't wait to abhor in the sequel. Pamela cleverly included obvious concerns about the pharmaceutical industry and mental health diagnosis that are all too often deceptive and far from being emphatically uplifting. A nice tie in with Dr. Breggin's issues on "psychiatry as spiritual profiling" and reform psychiatry (I did a little research there). All are interests near and dear to my heart - especially empaths.
Glasner's book is written in the same vain as my all time favorite The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson (amazing book cover) - two time lines that merge, paranormal activity, psychological thriller. Over 500 riveting pages that I finished in 3 days - couldn't put it down. I know you said you don't have time to read but I think you would really like this one.
I am glad we found the Aurora Art and Design Center. And I am equally glad I spied the book on your bookshelf. Thanks for being there.
Hope the holiday season is treating you well!